There comes a time in every Gentleman's life when he finds himself bereft of assistance about the house - your valet has his night off, cook's away visiting her sick mother, and the boy is probably off terrorising the neighbourhood. It's at times like this one must not panic. Instead raise your belt to a respectable height, adjust your moustache and head forth into the kitchen yourself!
I am well aware there are perils to this approach - society rumours suggest the remodelling of Lord P's east wing was due to an improperly boiled egg, while Sir H's whiskers simply haven't been the same since he tried to peel a potato (note: names withheld to protect me from accusations of scandal-mongering). And let us not forget the health conscious times we live in; it is just Not Done to return home from a vigorous cross country jaunt to raid your pantry and feast upon a gout inducing banquet of jugged meats, rich cheeses and cold roast fowl, all washed down with claret and port. Well, at least not on a week night.
So, in light of these considerations I shall disclose to you a recipe that can save you from such a desperate situation. This is a dish that sees me through the summer months without having to resort to utilising the hob, nor calling on my servants. Sirs, I give you the simple pleasure of a smoked mackerel salad, with my blessings.